> Allan wrote:

> It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
> will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
> name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
> pretty developed signature at that age.

On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the

How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of

Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a

Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
practical than writing with a quill and ink well.


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