Joe Knight wrote:
> Second check gives rise to a question.  It was for $576 which Farmers
> maintains is their cost for 2 months rental.  Seems unbelievably low
> even for an econobox and I was authorized for rental of a minivan
> anyway.  I'm sure Farmers gets a better rate than someone walking in
> off the street but less than $10/day...?  Anybody have any experience
> with contesting an allowance of this sort?

Tell them to fix it or talk to your lawyer, and see what they say.
Their cost is only relevant if they offered to put a car in your
driveway. If they send you a check to compensate for what it costs
you to rent a car, it should be based on your cost for a two month
rental, and not for 1/24 of a 48 month lease. (that's just the
voice of fairness speaking, I know nothing of CA laws)

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