Sunil Hari wrote:
> Hey, he deserves it.  ExxonMobil made the largest corporate profit ever, and
> he played some role in that.  XOM shareholders love him, and if you don't
> like it buy some stock in them and share in the spoils.

If I don't like seeing the company's shareholders raped to the tune of 400
million, I should go out and become one of them? Whenever I see assholes
lining their pockets with the shareholder's dough, I short-sell the stock. 
The federal budget is at record levels too, should we give GWB a healthy
chunk of it for a reward? He deserves it as much as the fellows who happen
to be at the helms of oil and precious metal firms during this windfall. 

Executive compensation has gotten way out of hand, they treat stockholders'
money like politicians treat taxpayers' money. With the CEOs sitting on the
boards of each other's companies, it's becoming case of "I'll vote for your
comp package if you'll vote for mine". (gee, that does sound a lot like the
way Congress works, doesn't it?)

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