D'oh. Looks like my answer is at this link... this is required reading
for all W140 owners, or anyone who plans to own a W140. GREAT


I sent this to my BIL, I'm curious what he finds out on his car.



> Hi all,
> My BIL's 1994 S500 had a problem with the door closing system, which
> has an electrically-operated vacuum pump in the trunk. (This is a
> SEPARATE pump from the door locks, btw.) It basically would stop
> working, so he'd pull the fuse (in the trunk) and re-insert it, which
> would re-set the system and it would work a few times and then quit.
> He got a rebuilt pump from Beckman Technologies...
> http://www.beckmanntechnologies.com/products.html
> ...and that fixed the problem. Now, a few months later, one door is
> not closing like it should. Rumor is, that's a sign of the pump going
> out (again!). Does anyone know enough about these systems to say if
> that's a true statement? Anyone have troubleshooting info on these
> things? Sure is a nice car when everything works right...!
> :-)
> --
> Dave M.
> Boise, ID
> 1994 E500 - 95kmi  (Q-ship)
> 1987 300D - 263kmi (Sportline)

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