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WILDFIRESAustralian blazes fan argument over impact of arsonistsPublished:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What's to blame for scores of wildfires devastating Australia's southeast?

There's an increasingly bitter face-off between those who say arson and
those who fault climate change.

Humans burning fossil fuels and humans with criminal intent who torch a
combustible landscape both factor into this unprecedented crisis. But just
how to accurately apportion the blame has become a big political issue. The
debate is made hotter by many — including some Australian lawmakers — who
argue against deeper cuts to carbon emissions.

Firefighters blame lightning strikes for most of the major blazes in New
South Wales and Victoria states, and many scientists say climate change is
the main reason for fires that have claimed at least 33 lives since
September, destroyed more than 3,000 homes and razed more than 26.2 million

Still, the arson side often cites repeatedly on social media a debunked
statistic that says more than 180 suspected arsonists have been arrested.

"Truly Disgusting that people would do this! God Bless Australia,"
President Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. tweeted. "More than 180 alleged
arsonists have been arrested since the start of the bushfire season," he

Although it's been discredited by AAP FactCheck, the fact-checking division
of news agency Australian Associated Press, the statistic has been repeated
thousands of times online.

AAP FactCheck, a partner in Facebook's third-party fact-checking program
looking at misinformation on Facebook and Instagram, links the statistic to
a statement by police in New South Wales — the worst fire-affected state —
that said "legal action" had been taken against 183 people since November
for "bushfire-related offenses."

These included only 24 people charged over "deliberately-lit bushfires."
Legal action, which includes cautions, had also been taken against another
100 people for conduct that could be described as being careless during a
fire ban. The statement did not detail the offenses alleged against the
remaining 59 suspects.

Climate change is the main reason for the current extraordinarily
destructive fire season, according to Janet Stanley, a director of
Australia's National Centre for Research in Bushfire and Arson.

"In the past, there's been little interest generally in why people light
fires — whether it's purposefully or accidentally or maliciously or
recklessly — because climate change hadn't kicked in and it really wasn't
such a problem because fire could fairly easily be put out," said Stanley,
who has studied arson-related wildfires for three decades.

"But because of climate change, this is not the case now. The conditions
that make a fire very big and dangerous and spread quickly are now a great
deal worse, so it's much harder to put out the fire once it occurs than it
was in the past," she added.

Arson has long been part of Australia's wildfire seasons, but it's hard to
estimate how big a problem it is because crime scenes are often remote and
evidence is frequently destroyed.

The New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research and the
Victorian Crime Statistics Agency won't release their arson data for the
current wildfire season in the two worst-affected states until March.

Swinburne University of Technology arson expert Troy McEwan cautioned that
three fires that killed 42 people in Victoria during a wildfire emergency
in 2009 had initially been wrongly blamed on arson.

"Certainly a significant proportion of bush fires are deliberately lit in
Australia," she told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

"We need to be open to the idea that it could be caused by arson, but,
equally, it's not helpful to say these fires are always caused by arson or
the majority of them are because the reality is, it seems, that most very
large fires are not caused by arson," she added.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack believes arsonists are
the major problem.

"It's important to note that most of these fires have been caused by little
Lucifers running around with matches and fire-starters and creating havoc,"
McCormack told reporters, referring to child arsonists, while acknowledging
that climate change was also a factor in the fire emergency.

McCormack's rural-based party, the Nationals, is staunchly against any
action on climate change that would carry an economic cost, such as making
polluters pay for the carbon they emit.

Some lawmakers in Prime Minister Scott Morrison's conservative Liberal
Party publicly dispute any link between climate change and the fires.

A common theme being spread by those looking to exaggerate Australia's
contribution to global warming "was that the fires are basically
spontaneously occurring because the carbon dioxide in the air is
exploding," said Craig Kelly, a conservative lawmaker. "That's nonsense."

"There are groups in our society that have exploited these bush fires to
push their own political barrow. The climate change alarmists want to
hijack the debate and use these fires as an example," Kelly added.

A widely circulated online image purporting to be a NASA satellite
photograph shows the wildfires, which are largely confined to southern
Australia, extending across the country's tropical north coast. The creator
of the image, Anthony Hearsey, explained on his website that it was a
digital compilation of almost eight months of NASA fire data and that not
all the fires were still burning, but those qualifications were lost online.

Singer Rihanna tweeted the dramatic image to her many followers with the
comment: "devastating."

Tourism Australia, a government agency tasked with promoting the country
overseas, has included its own fire map on its website to counter online
images suggesting much more of the country is ablaze.

Queensland University of Technology researcher Tobias Keller, an expert on
the spread of political messages on social media platforms, said the
involvement of the U.S. president's eldest child was an important
achievement for those who overstate the arson problem.

"When someone like Donald Trump Jr. or any celebrity endorses such a
narrative, it can gain traction very quickly because everyone looks at what
these celebrities post on and what their opinion is, and that can be very
dangerous," Keller said. *— Rod McGuirk, Associated Press*

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