Mitch Haley wrote:
If I were a cop I would be reluctant to to be seen in a Saturn police
car. A contradiction in terms if I ever heard of one.

I once saw a sheriff's K-9 unit in a Taurus sedan. Why it wasn't
a wagon I have no idea. In the case of the guy who bought the
Saturns, he said there was only one road leading out of towm so
he had no need for pursuit capability. Probably didn't use a
cage either. I've also seen Harley Davidson and Kawasaki police
cars, much less room in those than in a Saturn SL.

Dodge Intrepids seem to be popular in some jurisdictions, too, probably because of their superior fuel economy compared to the usual Crown Vics. I think all-out speed has gotten less important than it used to be -- you can't outrun a Motorola, and it's pretty tough to shake a Bell JetRanger.

David Brodbeck
'83 300D Turbo

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