Thanks for that lucid explanation Peter ...

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 1:46 PM Peter Frederick via Mercedes <> wrote:

> I tend to believe academic researchers over stuff on the web.
> Discounting Germany because the Depression there was both self-induced
> (the runaway inflation was an attempt to get out of the reparations from
> WWI) and external due to the rapaciousness of the French and British who
> didn't want to pay for the war they helped start.  In all other cases,
> going off the gold standard opened up the economy.
> In fact, things stayed really bad until Franklin simply raised the price
> of gold every week.  Coupled with banning private ownership of gold (and
> hoarding money that way), the value of goods started to increase and
> commerce started back up.  Should have been done much faster.
> The other major problem was simple lack of money in any demonimation --
> when the banks failed, all the cash vanished.  No one had any, there wasn't
> any way to get any, and hence commerce stopped.
> Remember, the Fed RAISED interest rates repeatedly through the Depression,
> and refused to lend money for quite a while.  Things were going well by
> 1936, when the Republican Congress insisted on balancing the budget
> immediately, removing money from the economy just about the time it was
> becoming self sustaining.
> Key point, if you are interested, is the 1936 flood in New England.  In
> response to the serious serious damage, the Feds sent actual money, and
> quite suddenly, with actual money being in circulation, the local economy
> boomed.  People had cash to buy lumber to rebuild damaged buildings, and
> suddenly the sawmill had work, and got paid, and the workers took home real
> paychecks and bought stuff at the dry good store so the store had money to
> buy more stock, and so forth.
> Took some people a very long time to figure out that without money, no one
> buys anything, and if no one buys anything, all commerce stops.
> In fact, there are quite a few loudmouths out there already honking about
> the evils of unemployment compensation and public grants.  Mostly
> "business" people, demonstrating how little they know about their own
> activities and the relation they have to functioning commerce.
> Unemployment isn't to allow lazy people not to work, it's to keep business
> operating rather than the whole nation going bankrupt.
> _______________________________________

OK Don

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect." Mark Twain

“Basic research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I am doing.”  Wernher
Von Braun
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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