On Wed, 3 May 2006 19:08:07 -0500 "Zoltan Finks"

> So the dial in question not only controls an electric switch, but it
> also manually controls a linkage that physically shuts a flap?
> Ingenious.
> Brian
> 83 240D
> That's not the fan-off position, that's the vent-off position.  (If
> yours is like mine with a 180-degree total rotation.  90 degrees from
> all-the-way-off is vent open but with the fan off.  Three clicks from
> there for another 90 degrees is fan all the way on.)  The extra linkage
> for turning off the venting is quite a bit stiffer than the fan switch,
> and in fact rarely needs to be turned off.  Or so I find.

If that's the case, it's TOTALLY different from my '82 240D. The fan
switch controls just the fan. There are two sliders just below the dash
vent that control the air to the defrosters and floor vents.


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