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Startups invited to turn captured CO2 into vodka, jewels

Published: Friday, July 17, 2020

Vodka and diamonds are being enlisted in the fight against climate change.

With a little ingenuity, both can be made by manipulating carbon dioxide
that's been captured from the air, which means their production could
actually help stem global warming. The market for such products is
promising enough that a group of clean-tech incubators is on the hunt for
startups that can create them.

New York University's Urban Future Lab is working with Greentown Labs and
Fraunhofer USA to help grow businesses that have figured out how to turn
CO2 into luxury goods and more. The group's "Carbon to Value Initiative"
offers startups a home for initial development, access to venture capital
and manufacturing partners.

"We mean to jump-start the carbon technology industry," said Pat Sapinsley,
managing director of clean-tech initiatives at Urban Future Lab. "We'll use
our corporate partners to scale up quickly. It's necessary to stay below a
2-degree-Celsius increase," she said, referring to the warming limit widely
believed to be necessary to prevent catastrophic climate impacts.

Technology to produce goods from CO2 has been around for a while, but the
products themselves have gained little traction because they're more
expensive than similar ones manufactured in traditional ways. The incubator
group is hoping to change that by focusing on high-value items — consumers
may be willing to pay a premium for luxury goods that combat climate change.
Luxury goods

The vodka producer, Air Co., joined Sapinsley's group last year. The
company aims to replicate Elon Musk's strategy with Tesla Inc., by selling
a premium product that will help build scale so they can get to larger
markets like jet fuel.

"They use renewable energy to split water to make hydrogen and combine that
with CO2 to make ethanol and sell it for $65 a liter," Sapinsley said. By
expanding capacity on sales of pricey liquor, they can bring the costs down
to compete against a 40-cent jet fuel. "You need to have high-value
products, even diamonds, that will lead to success of carbon conversion."

Combined, the incubators have helped hundreds of startups improve clean
technologies and raise funds to expand, and they expect to get hundreds of
applications for promising new carbontech products and services during this
three-year effort.

"There is an urgency to cost-effectively capture carbon emissions and the
only way for the new technology we need to get to market is through
engagement with industry," said Emily Reichert, chief executive officer of
Greentown Labs. "We help them de-risk it to reduce cost and get it to
scale." *— Christopher Martin, Bloomberg*

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