Just give them time, before you know it, they will have little handheld tablets similar to what ups has with a card swiper on it linked to satellite in the car . You know, since they're going to run it like a business anyway, they could at least give stamps :-) That would at least take some of the pain out of it.


Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:
I had joked right afterwards that the next thing they would come up with would be a credit card machine you could use to pay right there in the cop car.

Robert & Tara Ludwick wrote:

The driving record is what really sucks these days about getting a bogus ticket. I drove a semi for years and in most of the country, so long as you paid the ticket , it didn';t go on your record, but if you fought it, win or loose, it would show up. That little system kept the kangaroo courts of the country in fat buisness for years, usually the town got a small bit and the cop and the JP split the rest. I know at one point i think I bought a steak dinner for every cop in east texas ( never once was I actually speeding when pulled over, but in that line of work, you just accepted it as a cost of doing buisness , it's pretty funny,the cops carry a glove box full of blank Comchecks and other money transfer checks so you can pay them right in the car. Had one in Arkansas even had the nerve to show me how he rigged the rader to read whatever he wanted..while I was filling out the check) But now days with the computers everything shows up on a record and can effect not only insurance rates but things as crazy as employability. You might want to consider a trip to Jeff city , not to fight it ( that just get's them mad when you try to mess with their money ) but in many areas if you do go to court and beg , they won't put it on your record if you pay on the spot. ( that's funny, if they get their money right away, you are a good driver, but it they have to wait for their money, you are a bad driver and a public safety hazard and should be penilized by your insurance co with years of increased rates, and your driving record should have a mark on it putting you that much closer to having your license taken away, because people who don't pay right away should not be allowed on the road )


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