3-day lead times?  What's that about?  So even if you pay for expedited shipping (which I didn't do because I figured it would be here end of this week, which it now will with 2-day shipping they did) that won't happen for 3 days?


*Vin Sarlo* (FCP Euro)

May 18, 2022, 3:21 PM EDT

Hello Floyd,

Thanks for contacting FCP Euro!

I apologize for any confusion here.  It looks like the items in your order had lead times of 3 business days causing your order to ship today.  Please see the tracking below.

https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=2732-7475-5611&trkqual=12023~273274755611~FDEG <https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=2732-7475-5611&trkqual=12023~273274755611~FDEG>

I'm here to help with any further questions or concerns!

Best regards,

   Vin Sarlo

Customer Service Associate


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