Yesterday I finally got around to putting a water pump on the 79 300CD. It has sat for quite some time but I got in and glowed and it lit off on about half a rev.  Gotta love old dizzels.  But the water pump was seized up so the belt was smoking by the time I got it moved a little bit.

I have done this job a coupla times before so knew how to do it, figured it would be a 30min job.  But of course one of the fan bolts was stuck so that took about 45min to finally break loose without rounding off the head.  Got the new pump on fine then the fan then went to put the belt on, oh there's the pulley over there...  DUH!!!  So took it apart again and got that done.

I think I am going to get this one on the road and have some fun with it.  Max and Curley and I put new break calibers and pats on it a coupla years ago, it needs a trans filter and fluid change which I will do soon.  The tires are probably 25yo but hold air so will need new rubbers if I drive it more than a bit around the block (which I don't have but you know what I mean).  Should do all new cooling system hoses too.

I love the 123 CDs and these old dizzels, unlike this (not)rolling collection of computers in the S550.


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