As the Subject line says, I know I am preaching to the converted here, but, I have to say that I continue to marvel at the quality of my old Mercedes. It is 47 years old and has it's little idiosyncrasies, but it is a darned good car. I won't be here to see what the current crop of vehicles will be like in 47 years but I highly doubt they will match my old car.

Some years I have driven it very little. This year, in the later summer and through the fall, I have been driving it back and forth to my office most days and I cannot help but be impressed. The diesel is of course a bit noisy, but I sort of like listening to it. I don't have a radio in the car at the moment but I likely wouldn't listen to it in any event. It would mostly just be filler for the hole in the dash. It is no hot rod but for the driving I have been doing, it is fine. I am in no risk of being run down when I leave stop signs or traffic lights. It is a bit disappointing that fuel has become more expensive than gasoline but the car makes decent mileage so it is not that much of a penalty.

The car is about to be put away for the winter as snow is in the forecast but such is life in the GWN. I need to get the winter tires onto my truck this weekend.



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