Hello All, 
I posted about this in the past and haven't really figured out how to approach 
it.  I am not sure how to track down the short or to determine if the fan is 
bad.  I have a volt meter and the schematic for the car.  A few people made 
comments, one that this car may go through a few fans it its lifetime but I 
don't want to just run out and buy a fan if I don't need it.
"I noticed that my auxillary cooling fan was not plugged in the other day and 
wanted to get that fixed.  The fan has never been plugged in and the AC has not 
worked since I got the car.  After I plugged it in as soon as I started the car 
it ran for about 15 seconds and then stopped.  I noticed that it had blown a 
fuse.  Other point of interest is that on the repair information from previous 
owner it says "conversion to r134a, wire aux fan to run constantly". "
Any insight would be appreciated.
Dan Elliott
82 300D-T 97kmi
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