I often wonder why the US is always so upset with OPEC when you get most of your imported oil from Canada...?? Yes, Canada is the single largest supplier of US oil.

I wholeheartedly agree with the "space race" analogy....that should have been going on for a decade now. All of this peak oil talk is nothing new. People sawthis coming a long time ago! Unfortunately, the lobbyists and special interest groups run the US, not the voters. I think it's going to take a real kick in the nuts to the US and some patriotic blather once that happens, before they do anything about it. It's sad to see that the concept of prevention of disasters has gone the way of the Dodo.

I think a potential "problem" could be a major new oil field being found! That would really throw a spanner in the works of moving forward to cleaner fuels.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

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