Yesterday, I took my old MB for a ride in the country. I did a round
trip of about 100 miles to and from a small town in south eastern
Manitoba. It was a warm day so it might have been nice if my AC was
working, but all in all, it wasn't too bad. I had the right rear window
down part way and the vents in the dash open.
Despite my neglect, the car ran fine. I drove at about 65 mph and let
those in a hurry pass me by. I say neglect, because there are a number
of things that I either need to do or at least check on and I have
procrastinated for a long while with most of them. For example, I still
have to open the hood to shut off the engine and I don't drive it after
dark because I have no lights in the instrument panel. I have collected
some rubber parts such as front sub-frame bushings, and engine mounts as
well as flex disks but they are still in the boxes.
While driving along (alone as my good wife is out of town for the week),
I had time to think about the car among other things. The car is 47
years old, being a 1976 model. When it was new in 1976 a 47 year old car
would have been a 1929 model. There certainly were not many 1929 models
being driven on the roads in 1976 around here.
47 years from now will be 2070. I doubt there will be any 2023 models
running around on the roads in 2070. My Mercedes might well still be
just as capable then as it is now, assuming parts can be obtained and
fuel is available. I won't be there to drive it in 47 years but my
granddaughters might be.
It is a timeless car.
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