I went to El Mercado de Wal to get a battery for my tractor today and figured I'd pick up a coupla jugs of antifreeze.  Saw the blue stuff for Euro cars was on clearance for $9.50 which was lower than any of the other stuff they had, and was $16.63 regular price.  There are some blue versions for Asian and Merkun cars too but this one was on clearance.  I grabbed the 4 jugs on the shelf, said it was for 2014 and earlier Benzes.

Go to the (self) checkout and the jugs rang up normal price so I called the attendant woman over and she adjusted the price for me, no questions no checking, so I appreciated that.  It got me thinking I could have said anything, I don't think she really cared one way or the other.  The lack of oversight there I could have walked out with the whole load had I been inclined to do so, which is probably not very uncommon.  It wasn't very busy there either which was kinda unusual, I hit Costco too and it was mobbed for some reason on a early Tuesday afternoon.

There is no full strength AF on the shelves any more, you have to buy the 50/50 stuff which I guess is more convenient but I kinda like to roll my own.  Oh well, progress and an accommodation to the dumbing down of the populace.

Anyway, it was a good deal.  Costco had M1 oil on sale too but it was still quite a bit more than the Costco flavor.


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