Mitch Haley wrote:
> Bob Rentfro wrote:
>> Thanks, Dave...hope my boy child doesn't read this.
> I'm not sure what the burst pressure of a plastic soda is,
> but I've seen 2 liter jet boats made from them, pumped up
> to 100psi with a bicycle pump. "Mcguyver bombs" made with
> them are no joke, the plastic shrapnel will put your eye out.
> (and persecuting attorneys in many states, like Michigan,
> think they can prosecute you for explosives law violations
> if you get caught bursting a plastic bottle)

Yeah, they busted some kids a while back for blowing up plastic
mailboxes with them.  The thing is, they were using caustic chemicals
instead of dry ice and water, making the whole exercise a lot more

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