I didn't know 727s were out of service.  When did this happen?

St. Louis - Cincinnati
1997 SL500

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Frederick
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:27 PM

They are out of service for two reasons -- noise (minor) and severe 
fuel consumption problems.  Not really possible to remove the center 
engine and rebuild the tail so you could put CFM-56's on it, and I 
suspect the 757/767 classes have better wings, too.  Same fuselage on 
the 757/737 anyway, no change there.  I suspect there are airflow 
problems with large bypass engines stuck on the sides of the rear 
fuselage, too -- no one has put them there since the 60's, and I don't 
believe any were high bypass designs, either.

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