Mike typed:

"The owner of the car said, in response to me asking what a G-Series was
and telling him it looked like a normal 280 Se and thus isn't worth near
his reserve, said the following:

"As for as I know but don't quote me on this G-series is know as one of
last handmade German cars of this type this is just what we have been
told by previous owner, and it has something to do with the gray color
of the car. Sorry that is all I know. "

Whoops, I just quoted you . . . and you're officially an idiot."

And Harry wondered:

"idiot? moi ?"

Naw...the ebay guy's a knuck.
Do you think the ebay seller really had someone tell him that story and he's that clueless, or is he a sleazebag?

Bob Rentfro

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