I've removed the front brake rotors from my 1990 300SE (126) with the hubs/bearings intact. I got the allen bolts out but haven't been able to separate

I'm a bit confused, IIRC you _always_ get the hub/rotor assembly off first.

the rotors from the center hubs. I wonder if I could get some advice on a couple of things. 1. Does a press have to be used to get the rotors off the hubs? Will most machine shops do this or is it a job for an auto repair shop?
2. Is there a backyard way of getting them off using hand tools?

IIRC, they either just about fall off or I just knocked them off with
a rubber mallet.  I don't recall any special measures being required.

3. Does the hub come out of the center hole of the rotor from back to front or front to back?

The rotors come off the hub towards the inside of the car.

-- Jim

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