The quote below infers that truckers have greater legal rights than
operators of passenger vehicles. And further, they can act at judge, jury
and executioner.

I understand the frustrations of having to maneuver those big things,
especially when people are oblivious or unwilling to work together, but I
must protest when I hear this tired old "I'm bigger than you, so you'd
better get out of the way" business.

I don't understand why a truck driver has the supposed right to say "I need
to be where you are, so you have to move." I think that all drivers have
equal legal rights, so by the reasoning below, I should be able to tell a
truck driver "I need to be where you are, so you have to move."

Yes, a semi could easily squash a car. But if we live by this logic, then
I'd be allowed and justified to shove an elderly man, or anyone smaller and
weaker than me out of my way when I want to be where he is.


Hendrick wrote:

Basically if a truck says it has to change lanes you get out of it's way.
I think what Robert is trying to say is, using the indicator is politely
asking people to make room for you, pushing into their lane is telling them
to get the hell out of the way because I have to be where you are.

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