LarryT wrote:
>     I can only imagine the uproar that would results if the fees to get a 
> drivers license were raised to $1500 -$2000!  For one thing the number of 
> teen drivers would be dramaticaly cut as would the number of high school 
> students filling the parking lots of the local schools!  Teen death rates 
> would drop - insurance rates would drop - used car prices would drop 
> (because fewer teens would be buying them) along with a host of other things 
> happening.

In theory, those things would happen.  In reality, I think a lot of
people would just drive without a license, because of stubbornness or
need.  (This is pretty obvious when you look at people who have had
their license suspended due to a DUI conviction.  They generally keep
driving, but without a license or insurance.  Some states now impound or
immobilize the car to try to prevent this.)  Welfare expenditures would
also increase, because a lot of lower-income people would be unable to
legally get to work.

>     Of course, the ACLU would get involved and demand the teens of this land 
> be granted their "right" to drive for a $15 fee rather than $2000 making it 
> possible for only "rich" kids to drive.

I actually doubt they'd get involved.  They don't like fees when it
comes to voting, but other than that I'm not aware of them objecting to
any licensing fees.  Do you have an example?

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