Still takes me two hands to get a grip, but I am old and infirm

On Dec 9, 2006, at 8:55 PM, Sunil Hari wrote:

I was 23 when I owned my 115, and the first time I went to start it I had a hard time pulling the knob enough to engage the starter. Same with Patrick,
the guy I sold it to.

No shame in inability to pull-start a 115 the first time. After 10 times
though, you better be able to do it one-handed.

On 12/9/06, Zeitgeist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Having owned a W115 before, I know for a fact that your son requires *Der Wille zur Macht *in order to operate such a thoroughbred machine. Absent that, he's doomed to appliance Ford Taurus or Honda Accord duty...which
means he ain't gettin laid anytime soon.  Maybe that's a good thing.
Changing the oil filter on an OM615 will surely put hair on his testicles.
Good luck, and may the farce be with you.

On 12/9/06, Redghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I got the #1 son to get his behind off the sofa and change the oil in
Gump. He has about two years until he thinks he is going to drive her.
  The deal was that he got to drive if he worked on her.  I figure
changing oil will be a great place to start.  Poor boy got coated in
oil getting that filter off.  Could not figure out how to get it back
on though.  Maybe in another 8k miles we will tackle that.

We will be doing valves in another 5k miles.  Might be useful for him
to learn that too.  I really like being able to limit my exposure to
the shmutz. If he drives conservatively, he will not have to do valves or oil but every few years. The cost to insure and fuel will no doubt
limit his range.

Other great hurdle for him is to get that pull start knob to actually
engage the starter.  He was really good with getting Gump all glowed,
just could not exert the extra oomph to start. No way he gets anywhere
until he eats his spinach.

Seattle Bioburner

1972 220D - Gump
1995 E300D - Cleo
1987 300SDL - POS - DOA
The FSM would drive a Diesel Benz

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