Yup. Starting in the late 60's, Benz took over design and production of their cylinder heads from the company they had been buying them from. It seems they were quite rude about it, and the original design stayed with the original company, and cooperation was, well, mostly non-existant.

The result was very short lifetime -- severe cracking problems, particularly on the small diesels. It got to the point that my friend Hans said his father wouldn't buy one with less than 20,000 miles on it, on the theory that if it was still running, it was a good one and would go quite a while more. Hans eventually recommended that they use something else for their taxis until Benz got the problem solved.

There are at least four head designs installed on the 615, and not all heads are compatible with all blocks, and I believe there are several head gaskets as well.

Eventually, they became quite reliable.


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