Kevin wrote

What do you think about that price? Seems high

Yeah, $3500 does seem a bit over the top.  If one bought the good diesel
engine and the complete gasser convertible with blown engine, it wouldn't be
that expensive.  There mighnt be some complications involved in the engine
swap, but $3500...?

Once upon a time I almost traded my diesel Rabbit pickup for such a
conversion, but didn't in the end.  If I recall, modifications were
minor- figure out a place for the timing advance in the car and where
to hang to the fuse holder for the glow plugs in the engine
compartment was about it; the original fuel tank was used.

WIth the 1.6 NA diesel the convertible was a dog- I think it had
something like 300lbs extra reinforcement to make up for the lost roof
structure.  That way, the car only folded up in an accident, and not
just driving down the road!

Tony Wirtel

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