Zeitgeist wrote:
> I have a 3700 watt generator, but don't quite know of a simple means to tie
> into my home circuitry to run all my essentials (well, h2o heater,
> dishwasher, etc.). 

What I do (not NEC approved) is wire up a patch cord with a dryer plug
on one end, and a plug that fits the 240v socket on the generator on the
other end. Turn off all the breakers, especially the main. Plug the
generator into your dryer outlet and turn on the dryer breaker. Then
turn on your well pump. Once your tank is full, turn on the fridge,
and maybe the coffee pot and some lights. I do not think you will want
to turn on the electric water heater. I ended up cooking breakfast on
the propane grill because I could not run a single burner on the stove
to cook pancakes with a 5600w generator. I had two freezers and the
fridge going, you might be able to run a stove burner or water heater
if its the only thing you have on. The main breaker stays off until
the generator is detached from the house, you don't want to light up
the guy trying to fix your power line, and you don't want anybody else
messing with your breakers, because they might turn the main on.


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