Well, the results were quite different after unplugging the connector
at the relay.

1: 5.75 K Ohms
2: 0.6 Ohms
3: 0.9 Ohms
4: no reading - open circuit
5: 470 Ohms

I have 2 spares on hand, guess I'll replace #1 and #4 and order a
replacement for #5 plus a few spares -- is #3 on its way out, or is
that within the "normal" range?

#3's on its way out too.  It's a miracle it started as well as it
did recently, usually they don't burn out in a bunch so it was
the last one to drop out that KO'd you.

With four out of five dead, I'd suggest just replacing them all
and keep the one (or two?) 'good' ones as emergency spares.

-- Jim

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