Moral of the experience: carry less impedimenta on your trips. I have a friend who travels internationally for weeks at a time, she can survive with one carry-on shoulder bag and her briefcase. I have no idea how she does it, but she has been doing it for years, and always looks lovely. I "need" at least 6 times that amount of stuff for reasons that have never been clear to me.

Glad to hear things worked out.


andrew strasfogel wrote:
Happy ending!  The luggage had  been dropped off at the wrong address.
 Curiously, the street NAME was wrong, not the house number.  Hats off
to my brilliant sig. oth, who dragged me to DCA to  do battle with the
courier and the airline baggage people.  The courier boss finally
allowed us to speak directly with the driver. Turns out the faux house
had a similar side porch to ours, it was dark and late, etc.  Thanks,
Rich - your advice and it emboldened me.

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