more stuff to share; looking at the Power Service web site, it was clear that most of their focus was on blends up to B20, but only one of their products seemed to be intended for use with anything of a higher concentration of BioD than than 20%.

a query to them for clarification came back with this info this morning; all of their products with the exception of Arctic Express Biodiesel Antigel are intended for blends up to B20, with AEBDA being acceptable for higher than B20 and compatible with B100. they state that there is no additive available in the USA that will reduce what they call the "Cold Filter Plugging Point of B100" (which makes me wonder if there's something available elsewhere?), but the most interesting point to me was their forthright sharing of the fact that their test results show results with AEBDA improving pour points varying from anywhere from 50*F to nothing, and that results will vary.

   OK, *i* thought it was interesting,...   ;-)


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