LarryT wrote:
> I think most truck offenses are expected to be caught at Weigh Stations - I 
> suspect the CB/CellPhone communications network keep the 18 wheelers 
> informed of the locations of radar - they know when to go fast and they know 
> when to slow down.

Yeah, and like any industry there's a certain percentage of scofflaws. 
At one of the properties my company owns we had a sign in the parking
lot that said, "NO SEMI PARKING, NO U-TURNS."  It's gone now.  A semi
hit it while making a U-turn.

> If you want to make time get behind a 18 wheeler who is moving at your 
> comfortable speed and stay there - safely back far enough for comfort -- but 
> that's an old trick.  Course, I'm old so it works for me -   ;-)

I like to follow them in stop-and-go traffic.  They're good at figuring
out the average speed traffic is moving and going constantly at that
speed, instead of constantly stopping and starting.

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