The following is copied from an Email sent out by AutoWeek magazine. While this may make economic sense, it seems to follow the GM/Ford/Chrysler model,
and we know how well that has worked in the long haul.....

Great, GM design-by-committee!  Bodes not well for high-quality
vehicles.  Remember that Cadillac used to be a very high quality
car?  But now it feeds from the same GM parts trough as the
cheapest car they make.

If they already had a perfect door handle, there'd be no reason
to change it for a new model.  I don't buy the argument.  They
should have just said "it's cheaper".  The fact that the sunroof,
say, won't be matched in size to the vehicle isn't supposed to
bother anybody.  Certainly not the accountants now running the

And, of course, once your "perfect door handle" is no longer
so perfect for the application well too bad.  Too many things
use it for you to be able to change that "one perfect handle".
I predict stagnation in the parts supply.  Versus the well-known
dictum "grow or die".

A co-worker just bought a new Kia, and was very favorably
impressed with the quality he got for his money...

-- Jim

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