in California, i believe a small amount of BioD is allowed to be made for personal use (allegedly to encourage the use of non-petroleum fuels). beyond that, you're invited to list it as part of your regular tax return,...

the current regulatory hurdle here has to do with actually getting the oil itself; you're supposed to be licensed to handle used Veggie Oil, as it's listed as a Hazardous Substance (watch those French Fries!), and technically can only be handled by a licensed authority!


Allan Streib wrote:
Why should he get to use the roads for free just because he burns
vegetable oil in his Golf?

Agree the amount is so small from the state's perspective it is NOT
worth going after, but on principal....

Steve MacSween <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Let me propose an alternate title for this item:

"When public servants have too much time on their hands"


"When lowlife neighbours rat you out to the mister tax"


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