On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 18:35:51 -0400 "Glenn Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> For anyone who may have read my previous post regarding the stuck two
> center sections of the antenna on my '84 300D, I had some success by
> squirting Kano Kroil in the antenna shaft and allowing it to sit over
> night upside down and, with some "gentle" persuasion, I was able to free
> the two stuck center sections.  With the plastic ribbon extracted, I
> worked things a bit with some Kroil, cleaned and reassembled everything
> but the antenna now does not extend or retract.  I can hear a slight
> click sound when I actiavte the antenna switch, so power is getting
> there apparently and, since the plug residing on top of the power
> antenna module is keyed, I didn't do something stupid an insert it
> incorrectly.  Any clues?  TIA.

Did you get all the Kroil off the nylon leader?


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