
Got an email from Moses today. He wants you to return the rock you borrowed
from him.

Dang, Wilton, I at least had Loran-A to guide me thru the skies.

Our plane did carry a sextant, though. I used it once to thump the side of
my HF receiver when a tuning sub-system something-or-other was stuck and
wouldn't track.

The thump fixed the HF. I carefully returned the sextant to its storage
area. Couldn't replace the disturbed cobwebs, however.

Let me bring you up to speed on the modern aircraft nav in the 1970s. Cross
two Loran-A lines on a chart (paper, covered by 1/4" plexiglass, marked on
by a one-mile-wide grease pencil. Took about 30 seconds to get a position,
so by the time you marked where you are (were) you'd boogied a bit down the
piece of paper. Throw in parallax error caused by the plexiglass and ground
speed while plotting, throw in the width of the grease pencil, I always knew
where I was at any given fifteen minute interval, +/- 10 miles. (Lots of
ocean to search in a 10x10 mile area.) ... We started getting Loran-C
receivers about the time I stopped flying nav and headed off to OCS.

All joking aside, I carried my own charts. No grease pencil and no
plexiglass. I nav'd on paper -- carried my own set in my helmet bag -- with
a sharp pencil. Very anal-retentive and detail oriented. And that is the
same characteristic that motivated my air station officers to ask me to
apply (successfully) to OCS.


On 3/22/07, wilton strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

----- B-52 navs used to say, "We measure it with calipers, mark it with a
grease pencil and chop it with an ax."

"Calipers" refers to trying to get very fine/precise readings in bearing
elevation of the celestial body on the sextant.  "Mark with grease pencil"
refers to the occasional dull pencil which could plot a line on some
nearly a mile wide.  "Chop it with an ax" refers to navigator judgment
sometimes leads him/her to put more weight/value on one celestial
observation than another or to place more value on DR position (dead
reckoning position obtained by plotting heading, air speed, time and
wind/drift) than on the celestial info.


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