The outpouring of sympathy warms the cockles of my heart.


On 5/10/07, Zoltan Finks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We have been looking into an 84 190D recently and trying to work with the
shady seller via phone. To his credit? he agreed to take it to a mechanic
for inspection on our dime. This English-challenged seller played innocent
and noble all the way.

The mechanic promptly sent me 10 pics of car, revealing pealing paint,
cracking bondo, cracked chrome on wheel, badly unevenly worn tires, shifter
console lifting up, bent rear link causing tow-in, steering wheel put on
crooked, etc.

When the seller finally called my $100 poorer butt back, and I said "do
you really want me to go down the list?" and "I'd pay no more than $1500"
(the engine and tranny and showed no problems so I figured I could maybe use
them), his tone changed from aloof to more urgent and sales-pitchy and the
tables had turned. He proceeded to be caught in several lies, changing from
inexperienced innocent guy who happened to have the car, to someone very
knowledgeable about these cars, able to get a 190E complete for $200
dollars, and swap out parts, and have his mechanics replace anything needed
for 1/4 of the price of any other mechanic.

Any of you familiar with such an operation? Sounds like he turns these
cars around as a business, though he claimed not to be a dealer of any sort.
I just wonder if these cars are stolen.

One of the things that gets me the most is that these people play the
language-barrier card, and the poor immigrant card to exercise their deceit.
It makes it hard not to give in to the tendency to hate these people. I
really wanted this car and was temporarily naive enough to think we might
have found a gem.

83 240D

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