Tom P. wrote: 


"I want to say THANK YOU personally to any and all veterans on this


I second that!  All veterans deserve our support.  


I also want to apologize to all veterans on behalf of the State of
Kansas for the actions of "Reverend" Fred Phelps.   He is the jacka**
from Westboro Baptist Church who organizes pickets at the funerals of
the soldiers who died in Iraq. (He also protested at the funerals of
those killed at Virginia Tech)  Thank God, many states are now
establishing funeral protection zones to prevent people like him from
picketing at funerals.  As far as I am concerned, there is a special
place in hell for him.  I hope he is wearing gasoline panties while he
is there.  If you have never heard of him, just google Fred Phelps and
funeral protests. 


I always regretted not entering the military, my family has such a long
history of service. My Grandfather served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
My Father served in Vietnam, Desert Storm and volunteered to be called
up for Operation Iraqi Freedom. He recently retired after serving for
over 35 years. My Uncle earned the Silver Star (and several other
medals) in Vietnam.  Most of his medals were awarded posthumously
because he was killed by a sniper the day after saving his entire
platoon.  His documented heroics were part of the decision to award him
the Silver Star.  His name was Donald Pumphrey - I am named after him. 



Donald H. Snook


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