It seems than at Tue, 29 May 2007 17:57:29 -0500, R wrote:

> Please bear in mind that folks who drive larger vehicles have some
> difficulty in safely passing you in traffic. I have had a Suburban
> and now a couple of F150's. I don't want to clip some poor cyclist
> with my mirror while trying to get around him and not hit the
> car/truck in the lane next to me. After holding up traffic behind me
> to cleanly get around the cyclist, it really irks me to have him
> pass me at the next light and have to do it all over again in the
> next block or two.

> I understand folks who wish to ride as they want the exersize or
> don't have a car. I have friends who do it but I don't plan to join
> them and I really think that city traffic is a lousy place to
> ride. I think a cyclist really needs to be mindful of how much
> bigger and heavier a truck is. I can't stop on a dime and any error
> on their part or my part is gonna hurt. Do do yourself a favour and
> stay as far away from trucks as you can. Don't push the rules of the
> road or your luck as you aren't going to win. Please be safe out
> there. I'm gonna lose sleep if I ever run one of you over.

> I gave up my Honda Goldwing for similar reasons. I was able to keep
> up with traffic obviously, but the fools in the trucks were willing
> to ride 2 feet from my back fender. I try to give motorcycles a
> whole lot of room as I remember how I felt. However, the common
> thing is that if I leave a little too much room, some other fool
> pulls into the space between me and the bike so it doesn't always do
> much good to be nice.
> Randy (climbing gingerly down from his soapbox)

Right on!

And realize that most of the above also applies to cars relative to
big trucks. By big truck I mean the class 7 or class 8 trucks often
referred to as "diesels" or "semis".

--          Philip, with time spent behind a big steering wheel.

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