First thing is to check the cam timing -- when the marks on the cam are lined up, where is the degree wheel on the crankshaft? Make sure you sight over the marks, they are a bit more difficult on the 603 than on the 617. Should be a notch in the thurst washer and a mark on the front cam tower, I don't remember at the moment, will check my book later.

Injection timing is more difficult -- you must have the lock tool that screws into the side of the IP at the rear after you take the plug out OR a drip tube of some sort on #1 position on the IP. Not the same timing, either -- if you use the lock tool, the tool should engage the locking tab at 15 degrees ATDC at the crank. Using the drip tube, fuel should stop running out at 26 degrees BTDC as the plunger rises to cover the intake slot in the sleeve inside the pump. If you used a drip tube, you are probably right on for timing and there is something else wrong.

Did you put different fuel than usual in the last tank? What color is the smoke? Blue, gray, white, black? Does it idle properly if you push down on the pedal instead of letting the idle control system work?

Do you have fuel leaks, either at the injection lines (pump or injectors), or in the fuel lines? The tiny injector lines on these engines crack fairly easily, and it will idle horribly, and the fuel lines can leak air in on the suction side, causing all sorts of running problems.


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