Yeahbut, getting to 11v is too low, that alternator (or more likely the 
regulator/brush whatsis) HAS failed...
When you're at 11v you're pulling from the battery and if you do that for any 
extended amount of time or if you leave it drawn you'll ruin the battery.

Seems like you should replace the alternator (or the regulator first and then 
the alternator if need be) now or replace the alternator AND battery soon.


Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:42:15 -0400
From: "Levi Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Voltage
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Well, I'm sure 14.4 is more where it should be, but as far as I knew,
13.2was supposed to be the "normal" voltage of a charged battery, so
as long as
you had at least that much then the battery should be staying pretty
charged.  above 14V sounds more like it should be and I believe as long
you're not much over that you should be good.

Yeah, I forgot to mention those nice cold dark, foggy mornings.  It
drops with AC/max fan, headlights, foglights, rear defroster, wiper,
etc... on...  especially when you come to a stop and idle.  (:

I'm not likely to change it until it dies, but I'm interested to see
where it's residing...


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