hey Clay!

    there's no actual handle on my GS, but there's an exposed portion of 
the frame that's conveniently perfectly located for a grab with the 
right hand... and you're right that standing on that foot-pad on the 
stand while lofting the machine up and back is key.

    getting it down isn't difficult either; standing on the machines 
left side, both hands in bars, clutch in, brake lever covered, a solid 
body lean and push on the bars will roll it right off, and the front 
brake can be (gently!) engaged if necessary to keep it from rolling away 
from you. for additional safety, doing this while it's still in 1st gear 
(as it should be when it's parked) will also ensure that if it were to 
somehow get away from you and you were to lose coverage of the front 
brake on the right grip you would still be able to stop it by just 
letting out the clutch lever.
    if concerned about the machine falling off to the far side from you, 
keeping the handlebars very *slightly* turned to the machines right will 
ensure that any tipping of the machine is *towards* you rather than away 
from you.
    (of course, having it fall over *before* it's started is highly 
preferable to having it go over when running and in gear,...!)
    i find this easy enough with my GS even when loaded for touring and 
even though it's the Adventure model and has a taller stand than the 
standard GS; doing it with the standard GS is a breeze.


Redghost wrote:
> Hmmm,  The beemer has a foot spot and a hand spot so that all you do  
> is flip the center stand down, engage foot position, move right hand  
> to hand grip, left on bars and yank it onto the stand while exerting  
> pressure with foot.  Up it goes.  Simple as pie.  Getting off the  
> darn stand it another issue
> clay

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