LarryT, Acher, etc., small world, isn't it?  This condition supposedly
affects only about 1 in 100K, yet, here are TWO of us on this list and a
third associated.
My pain started 12 - 14 yrs ago as "nail driven into" lft heel, then on to
toes, legs, hands, arms; fire, needles on bottoms of feet, etc.  Began to
have slight hand tremor abt 10 yrs ago.  As my averall condition worsened,
so did the tremor.  By 4 - 5 yrs ago, had lost most feeling below knees.  By
abt 2 yrs ago, I was nearlly helpless because of the tremor.  Trouble
walking for several yrs, but I continued to put on good act - tried to make
it look to others like I was walking normally, but I was having to think
about every step.  Started using stick/cane abt 5 yrs ago, went to 4-wheel
walker nearly 3 yrs ago.  Still use walker around house (one on each floor)
and back and forth to car.  I keep an elec. scooter in the car trunk for
shopping, longer treks from car, etc.  I charge the scooter in the car with
Diesel, so I ride a Diesel-electric scooter; I even put a smaller, paper
decal copy of a MB DIESEL decal on back of the scooter to so designate it.

'Haven't been "bothered" by really bad pain for several yrs. - just slight
in feet/legs all the time.  I've many times awakened with steady pain in
feet and legs, especially knees.  'Took two 650 mg Tylenol/day coupla yrs;
last year or so 1/day; sometimes none for 2-3 days.

BTW, 'tried Lyrica; made me feel "impaired."  Also tried Prednasone,
cyclosporine, methotrexate, celcept, imuran, bunch of others, some of which
made me sick - all were ineffective; also plasma pheresis and retuxan
treatments, but nothing has worked as well as IVIG, especially for last yr @
2 weeks.  Tremor is nearly (~97%) gone.

Oh, I also went to MCV (is that UVA?); saw Dr. Phillips there abt 3 yrs ago;
'been going to Duke abt 6 yrs.

Wilton, LTCOL, USAF, Ret.
91 350SDL (188 kmi) oil changed via $2  sucker
87 300D (107 kmi) oil changed via $2 sucker

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