I'm Canadian and we're not in the habit of suing (the law limits what can be 
awarded in such cases to a REASONABLE maximum, which means unless there was 
ACTUAL negligence it won't be worth it), but you raise an interesting point 
that I hadn't even considered. I also didn't realise that Australia was moving 
towards US-style letigiousness.

In any case, if my 280SEL and I get into an accident severe enough to cause the 
belt to fail, I'll have bigger problems! I figure with the inertia reels, at 
least I won't have to train my passengers in the unfurling, latching, and 
hanging-up-on-exit of the magnetic ones. A few trips with the current setup and 
you understand why people hated to wear seatbelts!


Hendrik wrote:
>Don't know about over there but in Oz the law has changed and anyone 
>selling second hand seat belts is legally liable if they fail in an 
>accident, as such it is becoming hard to find s/h seat belts.
>David Bruckmann wrote:
>> Does anybody have a good set of inertia reel seatbelts from a W108/W114/W115 
>> to sell? The magnetic ones in my W108 are driving me and my passengers crazy!
>> D.

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