
Not sure where you're getting this "all-Black crowd" stuff. I am (well, 1/4
of me) in the very lower left of this photo. I have blond hair and blue
eyes, quite pale. My red-headed wife is to my left in the red sweater.

Yea, there was a black face in this crowd. He was sitting just to my right.
He's a black dude who is in his mid-70s. When Obama came on stage to speak,
the first hand he shook was the old black guy, and Obama said, "Nice to see
you, brother." He next shook my hand and said, "Thanks for coming."


On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Zoltan Finks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Yes. And every time I see BHO surround himself with an all-Black crowd,

LT Don

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