# HG changeset patch
# User Gregory Szorc <gregory.sz...@gmail.com>
# Date 1482108669 28800
#      Sun Dec 18 16:51:09 2016 -0800
# Node ID d38d8742be98cde337410be7703822eb4412f3d1
# Parent  8c7cd8a43f9e9b230bc125e57b80de73eb0649b5
repair: determine what upgrade will do

This commit introduces code for determining what actions/improvements
an upgrade should perform.

The "upgradefindimprovements" function introduces a mechanism to
return a list of improvements that can be made to a repository.
Each improvement is effectively an action that an upgrade will
perform. Associated with each of these improvements is metadata
that will be used to inform users what's wrong and what an
upgrade will do.

Each "improvement" is categorized as a "deficiency" or an
"optimization." TBH, I'm not thrilled about the terminology and
am receptive to constructive bikeshedding. The main difference
between a "deficiency" and an "optimization" is a deficiency
is always corrected (if it deviates from the current config) and
an "optimization" is an optional action that goes above and beyond
to improve the state of the repository (usually by requiring more
CPU during upgrade).

Our initial set of improvements identifies missing repository
requirements, a single, easily correctable problem with
changelog storage, and a set of "optimizations" related to delta

The main "upgraderepo" function has been expanded to handle
improvements. It queries for the list of improvements and determines
which of them will run based on the current repository state and user

I went through numerous iterations of the output format before
settling on a ReST-inspired definition list format. (I used
bulleted lists in the first submission of this commit and could
not get it to format just right.) Even with the various iterations,
I'm still not super thrilled with the format. But, this is a debug*
command, so that should mean we can refine the output without BC

diff --git a/mercurial/repair.py b/mercurial/repair.py
--- a/mercurial/repair.py
+++ b/mercurial/repair.py
@@ -433,11 +433,218 @@ def upgradeallowednewrequirements(repo):
+DEFICIENCY = 'deficiency'
+OPTIMIZATION = 'optimization'
+class upgradeimprovement(object):
+    """Represents an improvement that can be made as part of an upgrade.
+    The following attributes are defined on each instance:
+    name
+       Machine-readable string uniquely identifying this improvement. It
+       will be mapped to an action later in the upgrade process.
+    type
+       Either ``DEFICIENCY`` or ``OPTIMIZATION``. A deficiency is an obvious
+       problem. An optimization is an action (sometimes optional) that
+       can be taken to further improve the state of the repository.
+    description
+       Message intended for humans explaining the improvement in more detail,
+       including the implications of it. For ``DEFICIENCY`` types, should be
+       worded in the present tense. For ``OPTIMIZATION`` types, should be
+       worded in the future tense.
+    upgrademessage
+       Message intended for humans explaining what an upgrade addressing this
+       issue will do. Should be worded in the future tense.
+    fromdefault (``DEFICIENCY`` types only)
+       Boolean indicating whether the current (deficient) state deviates
+       from Mercurial's default configuration.
+    fromconfig (``DEFICIENCY`` types only)
+       Boolean indicating whether the current (deficient) state deviates
+       from the current Mercurial configuration.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, type, description, upgrademessage, **kwargs):
+        self.name = name
+        self.type = type
+        self.description = description
+        self.upgrademessage = upgrademessage
+        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+def upgradefindimprovements(repo):
+    """Determine improvements that can be made to the repo during upgrade.
+    Returns a list of ``upgradeimprovement`` describing repository deficiencies
+    and optimizations.
+    """
+    # Avoid cycle: cmdutil -> repair -> localrepo -> cmdutil
+    from . import localrepo
+    newreporeqs = localrepo.newreporequirements(repo)
+    improvements = []
+    # We could detect lack of revlogv1 and store here, but they were added
+    # in 0.9.2 and we don't support upgrading repos without these
+    # requirements, so let's not bother.
+    if 'fncache' not in repo.requirements:
+        improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+            name='fncache',
+            type=DEFICIENCY,
+            description=_('long and reserved filenames may not work correctly; 
+                          'repository performance is sub-optimal'),
+            upgrademessage=_('repository will be more resilient to storing '
+                             'certain paths and performance of certain '
+                             'operations should be improved'),
+            fromdefault=True,
+            fromconfig='fncache' in newreporeqs))
+    if 'dotencode' not in repo.requirements:
+        improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+            name='dotencode',
+            type=DEFICIENCY,
+            description=_('storage of filenames beginning with a period or '
+                          'space may not work correctly'),
+            upgrademessage=_('repository will be better able to store files '
+                             'beginning with a space or period'),
+            fromdefault=True,
+            fromconfig='dotencode' in newreporeqs))
+    if 'generaldelta' not in repo.requirements:
+        improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+            name='generaldelta',
+            type=DEFICIENCY,
+            description=_('deltas within internal storage are unable to '
+                          'choose optimal revisions; repository is larger and '
+                          'slower than it could be; interaction with other '
+                          'repositories may require extra network and CPU '
+                          'resources, making "hg push" and "hg pull" slower'),
+            upgrademessage=_('repository storage will be able to create '
+                             'optimal deltas; new repository data will be '
+                             'smaller and read times should decrease; '
+                             'interacting with other repositories using this '
+                             'storage model should require less network and '
+                             'CPU resources, making "hg push" and "hg pull" '
+                             'faster'),
+            fromdefault=True,
+            fromconfig='generaldelta' in newreporeqs))
+    # Mercurial 4.0 changed changelogs to not use delta chains. Search for
+    # changelogs with deltas.
+    cl = repo.changelog
+    for rev in cl:
+        chainbase = cl.chainbase(rev)
+        if chainbase != rev:
+            improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+                name='removecldeltachain',
+                type=DEFICIENCY,
+                description=_('changelog storage is using deltas instead of '
+                              'raw entries; changelog reading and any '
+                              'operation relying on changelog data are slower '
+                              'than they could be'),
+                upgrademessage=_('changelog storage will be reformated to '
+                                 'store raw entries; changelog reading will be 
+                                 'faster; changelog size may be reduced'),
+                fromdefault=True,
+                fromconfig=True))
+            break
+    # Now for the optimizations.
+    # These are unconditionally added. There is logic later that figures out
+    # which ones to apply.
+    improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+        name='redeltaparent',
+        type=OPTIMIZATION,
+        description=_('deltas within internal storage will be recalculated to '
+                      'choose an optimal base revision where this was not '
+                      'already done; the size of the repository may shrink and 
+                      'various operations may become faster; the first time '
+                      'this optimization is performed could slow down upgrade '
+                      'execution considerably; subsequent invocations should '
+                      'not run noticeably slower'),
+        upgrademessage=_('deltas within internal storage will choose a new '
+                         'base revision if needed')))
+    improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+        name='redeltamultibase',
+        type=OPTIMIZATION,
+        description=_('deltas within internal storage will be recalculated '
+                      'against multiple base revision and the smallest '
+                      'difference will be used; the size of the repository may 
+                      'shrink significantly when there are many merges; this '
+                      'optimization will slow down execution in proportion to '
+                      'the number of merges in the repository and the amount '
+                      'of files in the repository; this slow down should not '
+                      'be significant unless there are tens of thousands of '
+                      'files and thousands of merges'),
+        upgrademessage=_('deltas within internal storage will choose an '
+                         'optimal delta by computing deltas against multiple '
+                         'parents; may slow down execution time '
+                         'significantly')))
+    improvements.append(upgradeimprovement(
+        name='redeltaall',
+        type=OPTIMIZATION,
+        description=_('deltas within internal storage will always be '
+                      'recalculated without reusing prior deltas; this will '
+                      'likely make execution run several times slower; this '
+                      'optimization is typically not needed'),
+        upgrademessage=_('deltas within internal storage will be fully '
+                         'recomputed; this will likely drastically slow down '
+                         'execution time')))
+    return improvements
+def upgradedetermineactions(repo, improvements, sourcereqs, destreqs,
+                            optimize):
+    """Determine upgrade actions that will be performed.
+    Given a list of improvements as returned by ``upgradefindimprovements``,
+    determine the list of upgrade actions that will be performed.
+    The role of this function is to filter improvements if needed, apply
+    recommended optimizations from the improvements list that make sense,
+    etc.
+    Returns a list of action names.
+    """
+    newactions = []
+    knownreqs = upgradesupporteddestrequirements(repo)
+    for i in improvements:
+        name = i.name
+        # If the action is a requirement that doesn't show up in the
+        # destination requirements, prune the action.
+        if name in knownreqs and name not in destreqs:
+            continue
+        if i.type == DEFICIENCY:
+            newactions.append(name)
+    newactions.extend(o for o in sorted(optimize) if o not in newactions)
+    # FUTURE consider adding some optimizations here for certain transitions.
+    # e.g. adding generaldelta could schedule parent redeltas.
+    return newactions
 def upgraderepo(ui, repo, run=False, optimize=None):
     """Upgrade a repository in place."""
     # Avoid cycle: cmdutil -> repair -> localrepo -> cmdutil
     from . import localrepo
+    optimize = set(optimize or [])
     repo = repo.unfiltered()
     # Ensure the repository can be upgraded.
@@ -475,6 +682,25 @@ def upgraderepo(ui, repo, run=False, opt
                             'destination requirement: %s') %
                           _(', ').join(sorted(unsupportedreqs)))
+    # Find and validate all improvements that can be made.
+    improvements = upgradefindimprovements(repo)
+    for i in improvements:
+        if i.type not in (DEFICIENCY, OPTIMIZATION):
+            raise error.Abort(_('unexpected improvement type %s for %s') % (
+                i.type, i.name))
+    # Validate arguments.
+    unknownoptimize = optimize - set(i.name for i in improvements
+                                     if i.type == OPTIMIZATION)
+    if unknownoptimize:
+        raise error.Abort(_('unknown optimization action requested: %s') %
+                          ', '.join(sorted(unknownoptimize)),
+                          hint=_('run without arguments to see valid '
+                                 'optimizations'))
+    actions = upgradedetermineactions(repo, improvements, repo.requirements,
+                                      newreqs, optimize)
     def printrequirements():
         ui.write(_('   preserved: %s\n') %
@@ -490,8 +716,60 @@ def upgraderepo(ui, repo, run=False, opt
+    def printupgradeactions():
+        for action in actions:
+            for i in improvements:
+                if i.name == action:
+                    ui.write('%s\n   %s\n\n' %
+                             (i.name, i.upgrademessage))
     if not run:
+        fromdefault = []
+        fromconfig = []
+        optimizations = []
+        for i in improvements:
+            assert i.type in (DEFICIENCY, OPTIMIZATION)
+            if i.type == DEFICIENCY:
+                if i.fromdefault:
+                    fromdefault.append(i)
+                if i.fromconfig:
+                    fromconfig.append(i)
+            else:
+                optimizations.append(i)
+        if fromdefault or fromconfig:
+            fromconfignames = set(x.name for x in fromconfig)
+            onlydefault = [i for i in fromdefault
+                           if i.name not in fromconfignames]
+            if fromconfig:
+                ui.write(_('repository lacks features recommended by '
+                           'current config options:\n\n'))
+                for i in fromconfig:
+                    ui.write('%s\n   %s\n\n' % (i.name, i.description))
+            if onlydefault:
+                ui.write(_('repository lacks features used by the default '
+                           'config options:\n\n'))
+                for i in onlydefault:
+                    ui.write('%s\n   %s\n\n' % (i.name, i.description))
+            ui.write('\n')
+        else:
+            ui.write(_('(no feature deficiencies found in existing '
+                       'repository)\n'))
         ui.write(_('performing an upgrade with "--run" will make the following 
+        printupgradeactions()
+        unusedoptimize = [i for i in improvements
+                          if i.name not in actions and i.type == OPTIMIZATION]
+        if unusedoptimize:
+            ui.write(_('additional optimizations are available by specifying '
+                     '"--optimize <name>":\n\n'))
+            for i in unusedoptimize:
+                ui.write(_('%s\n   %s\n\n') % (i.name, i.description))
diff --git a/tests/test-upgrade-repo.t b/tests/test-upgrade-repo.t
--- a/tests/test-upgrade-repo.t
+++ b/tests/test-upgrade-repo.t
@@ -49,3 +49,134 @@ Cannot add manifestv2 or treemanifest re
   $ hg -R disallowaddedreq --config experimental.manifestv2=true --config 
experimental.treemanifest=true debugupgraderepo
   abort: cannot upgrade repository; do not support adding requirement: 
manifestv2, treemanifest
+An upgrade of a repository created with recommended settings only suggests 
+  $ hg init empty
+  $ cd empty
+  $ hg debugupgraderepo
+  (no feature deficiencies found in existing repository)
+  performing an upgrade with "--run" will make the following changes:
+  requirements
+     preserved: dotencode, fncache, generaldelta, revlogv1, store
+  additional optimizations are available by specifying "--optimize <name>":
+  redeltaparent
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated to choose an optimal 
base revision where this was not already done; the size of the repository may 
shrink and various operations may become faster; the first time this 
optimization is performed could slow down upgrade execution considerably; 
subsequent invocations should not run noticeably slower
+  redeltamultibase
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated against multiple base 
revision and the smallest difference will be used; the size of the repository 
may shrink significantly when there are many merges; this optimization will 
slow down execution in proportion to the number of merges in the repository and 
the amount of files in the repository; this slow down should not be significant 
unless there are tens of thousands of files and thousands of merges
+  redeltaall
+     deltas within internal storage will always be recalculated without 
reusing prior deltas; this will likely make execution run several times slower; 
this optimization is typically not needed
+--optimize can be used to add optimizations
+  $ hg debugupgrade --optimize redeltaparent
+  (no feature deficiencies found in existing repository)
+  performing an upgrade with "--run" will make the following changes:
+  requirements
+     preserved: dotencode, fncache, generaldelta, revlogv1, store
+  redeltaparent
+     deltas within internal storage will choose a new base revision if needed
+  additional optimizations are available by specifying "--optimize <name>":
+  redeltamultibase
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated against multiple base 
revision and the smallest difference will be used; the size of the repository 
may shrink significantly when there are many merges; this optimization will 
slow down execution in proportion to the number of merges in the repository and 
the amount of files in the repository; this slow down should not be significant 
unless there are tens of thousands of files and thousands of merges
+  redeltaall
+     deltas within internal storage will always be recalculated without 
reusing prior deltas; this will likely make execution run several times slower; 
this optimization is typically not needed
+Various sub-optimal detections work
+  $ cat > .hg/requires << EOF
+  > revlogv1
+  > store
+  > EOF
+  $ hg debugupgraderepo
+  repository lacks features recommended by current config options:
+  fncache
+     long and reserved filenames may not work correctly; repository 
performance is sub-optimal
+  dotencode
+     storage of filenames beginning with a period or space may not work 
+  generaldelta
+     deltas within internal storage are unable to choose optimal revisions; 
repository is larger and slower than it could be; interaction with other 
repositories may require extra network and CPU resources, making "hg push" and 
"hg pull" slower
+  performing an upgrade with "--run" will make the following changes:
+  requirements
+     preserved: revlogv1, store
+     added: dotencode, fncache, generaldelta
+  fncache
+     repository will be more resilient to storing certain paths and 
performance of certain operations should be improved
+  dotencode
+     repository will be better able to store files beginning with a space or 
+  generaldelta
+     repository storage will be able to create optimal deltas; new repository 
data will be smaller and read times should decrease; interacting with other 
repositories using this storage model should require less network and CPU 
resources, making "hg push" and "hg pull" faster
+  additional optimizations are available by specifying "--optimize <name>":
+  redeltaparent
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated to choose an optimal 
base revision where this was not already done; the size of the repository may 
shrink and various operations may become faster; the first time this 
optimization is performed could slow down upgrade execution considerably; 
subsequent invocations should not run noticeably slower
+  redeltamultibase
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated against multiple base 
revision and the smallest difference will be used; the size of the repository 
may shrink significantly when there are many merges; this optimization will 
slow down execution in proportion to the number of merges in the repository and 
the amount of files in the repository; this slow down should not be significant 
unless there are tens of thousands of files and thousands of merges
+  redeltaall
+     deltas within internal storage will always be recalculated without 
reusing prior deltas; this will likely make execution run several times slower; 
this optimization is typically not needed
+  $ hg --config format.dotencode=false debugupgraderepo
+  repository lacks features recommended by current config options:
+  fncache
+     long and reserved filenames may not work correctly; repository 
performance is sub-optimal
+  generaldelta
+     deltas within internal storage are unable to choose optimal revisions; 
repository is larger and slower than it could be; interaction with other 
repositories may require extra network and CPU resources, making "hg push" and 
"hg pull" slower
+  repository lacks features used by the default config options:
+  dotencode
+     storage of filenames beginning with a period or space may not work 
+  performing an upgrade with "--run" will make the following changes:
+  requirements
+     preserved: revlogv1, store
+     added: fncache, generaldelta
+  fncache
+     repository will be more resilient to storing certain paths and 
performance of certain operations should be improved
+  generaldelta
+     repository storage will be able to create optimal deltas; new repository 
data will be smaller and read times should decrease; interacting with other 
repositories using this storage model should require less network and CPU 
resources, making "hg push" and "hg pull" faster
+  additional optimizations are available by specifying "--optimize <name>":
+  redeltaparent
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated to choose an optimal 
base revision where this was not already done; the size of the repository may 
shrink and various operations may become faster; the first time this 
optimization is performed could slow down upgrade execution considerably; 
subsequent invocations should not run noticeably slower
+  redeltamultibase
+     deltas within internal storage will be recalculated against multiple base 
revision and the smallest difference will be used; the size of the repository 
may shrink significantly when there are many merges; this optimization will 
slow down execution in proportion to the number of merges in the repository and 
the amount of files in the repository; this slow down should not be significant 
unless there are tens of thousands of files and thousands of merges
+  redeltaall
+     deltas within internal storage will always be recalculated without 
reusing prior deltas; this will likely make execution run several times slower; 
this optimization is typically not needed
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