On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 10:34:02AM -0700, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 4:19 AM, Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I don't know about you, but occasionally, I've hit "stream ended
> > unexpectedly (got m bytes, expected n)" errors that didn't make sense.
> > Retrying would always work.
> >
> > Recently, I was trying to use signal.setitimer and a signal handler for
> > some memory profiling on git-cinnabar, which uses mercurial as a
> > library, and got "stream ended 4 unexpectedly (got m bytes, expected n)"
> > *very* reproducibly. Like, with an interval timer firing every second,
> > it took only a few seconds to hit the error during a clone.
> >
> > I'm pretty sure this can be reproduced with a similar setup in mercurial
> > itself.
> >
> > Now, the reason this happens in this case is that, the code that fails
> > does:
> >
> > def readexactly(stream, n):
> >     '''read n bytes from stream.read and abort if less was available'''
> >     s = stream.read(n)
> >     if len(s) < n:
> >         raise error.Abort(_("stream ended unexpectedly"
> >                            " (got %d bytes, expected %d)")
> >                           % (len(s), n))
> >     return s
> >
> > ... and thanks to POSIX, interrupted reads can lead to short reads. So,
> > you request n bytes, and get less, just because something interrupted
> > the process.  The problem then is that python doesn't let you know why
> > you just got a short read, and you have to figure that out on your own.
> >
> > The same kind of problem is also true to some extent on writes.
> >
> > Now, the problem is that this piece of code is likely the most visible
> > place where the issue exists, but there are many other places in the
> > mercurial code base that are likely affected.
> >
> > And while the signal.setitimer case is a corner case (and I ended up
> > using a separate thread to work around the problem ; my code wasn't
> > interruption safe either anyways), I wonder if those random "stream
> > ended unexpectedly (got m bytes, expected n)" errors I was getting under
> > normal circumstances are not just a manifestation of the same underlying
> > issue, which is that the code doesn't like interrupted reads.
> >
> > Disclaimer: I'm not going to work on fixing this issue, but I figured
> > I'd let you know, in case someone wants to look into it more deeply.
> >
> Thank you for writing this up. This "stream ended unexpectedly" has been a
> thorn in my side for a while, as it comes up frequently in Mozilla's CI
> with a frequency somewhere between 1 in 100-1000. Even retrying failed
> operations multiple times isn't enough to overcome it
> I have long suspected interrupted system calls as a likely culprit.
> However, when I initially investigated this a few months ago, I found that
> Python's I/O APIs retry automatically for EINTR. See
> https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/54c93e0fe79b/Lib/socket.py#l365 for
> example. This /should/ make e.g. socket._fileobject.read() resilient
> against signal interruption. (If Python's I/O APIs didn't do this, tons of
> programs would break. Also, the semantics of .read() are such that it is
> always supposed to retrieve all available bytes until EOF - at least for
> some io ABCs. read1() exists to perform at most 1 system call.)

Note that EINTR is not the only way read() can end from interruption:

   If a read() is interrupted by a signal before it reads any data, it
   shall return -1 with errno set to [EINTR].

   If a read() is interrupted by a signal after it has successfully read
   some data, it shall return the number of bytes read.

   From http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/read.html

But that's POSIX, Windows is another story. Recv is different too.

On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 12:00:42PM -0700, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> Can you please provide more detailed steps to reproduce?
> I added the following code at the top of exchange.pull:
>     def sighandler(sig, stack):
>         pass
>     import signal
>     signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sighandler)
>     signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 1.0, 1.0)
> However, I was unable to reproduce the "stream ended unexpectedly" failure
> when cloning a Firefox repo from hg.mozilla.org. And I even tried with the
> interval set to 1ms.

So, I tried to reproduce again with my original testcase, and failed to.
In fact, instead I was getting urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 4]
Interrupted system call> errors. Delaying the initial SIGALRM to go past
the start of the HTTP request didn't fail either. Even small intervals.

Then I tried on another machine and it happened reliably... and I
figured it was because I had a config difference between the two
machines, where in the latter case git-cinnabar would not use mercurial
to talk to the server (but it would still use it to read the bundle2,
and fail in mercurial.changegroup.readexactly).

The main difference is that in the latter case, the underlying
"connection" is a pipe instead of a socket. This clearly influences the
behavior on interruption from a signal. It's actually rather easy to get
short reads with pipes. Short reads from recv are probably more
difficult to reproduce.

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