> On Jun 19, 2017, at 6:15 PM, Augie Fackler <r...@durin42.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 19, 2017, at 18:13, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
>>>> Any thoughts on what to do here?  The ping command has a different
>>>> interface on Solaris than on Linux, so trying to simply ping
>>>> pypi.python.org (assuming we can rely on pip always trying that host) is
>>>> going to run into platform-specific issues.  We could save http_proxy
>>>> aside, and enable it here specifically (somehow).  Or we could allow for
>>>> specific "have"s to be blacklisted, and introduce some sort of
>>>> external-network #if token, maybe?
>>> I was going to suggest an hghave check that lets us be sure we can see 
>>> authentic pypi - dstufft, do you have some endpoint that'd be suitable for 
>>> such a sniff-test?
>>> (The test in question is an end-to-end setup.py install test that makes a 
>>> virtualenv, which I think is failing because it wants to slurp down pip and 
>>> setuptools...)
>> You could just tell virtualenv not to pull down the latest 
>> pip/setuptools/etc? That seems like the best solution here since presumably 
>> you don’t want your tests hitting the network unless required anyways?
> That sounds like exactly what I want - do you know how to do that? Is that 
> the --never-download flag which says it does nothing on my Python 2.7.13? 
> (but maybe Danek has an older virtualenv?)

There is.. some history here. Basically if you have an old version of 
virtualenv —no-download / —never-download will turn off downloading from PyPI… 
if you have a recent but not super recent version of virtualenv, —no-download / 
—never-download does nothing (because we ripped out the network code for 
awhile), then if you have a recent version of virtualenv, —no-download / 
—never-download disables the new on-by-default code to pull down the latest 

So tl;dr; use —no-download.

Donald Stufft

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