durham added a comment.

  My only concern would be if tools ever use hg status -A to get the full state 
of the working copy (like what files exist). But I think that's pretty minor.
  Do we know if the ignore wrapper was ever accessed outside of the walk?  It 
might be worth hacking in a temporary message that prints if the ignorewrapper 
is called while walk is not in the traceback, then run the tests to see if it's 
ever hit.
  Since this logic makes it the caller's responsibility to pass the right 
matcher to walk(), we may want to find a call pattern that doesn't require 
every caller to read the sparse matcher and union it with their own matcher.  
Perhaps by adding the sparse matcher by default (inside walk), unless 
explicitly requested otherwise.  Or by having commands take the user specified 
patterns and passing them to a workingcopymatcher() or something that will 
automatically take into account the sparse checkout (you could have a 
storematcher() as well for taking into account narrowness too).

  rHG Mercurial



To: martinvonz
Cc: durham, dsp, mercurial-devel
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