On 9/15/17 4:58 PM, Augie Fackler wrote:
On Sep 14, 2017, at 01:16, Gregory Szorc <gregory.sz...@gmail.com> wrote:


Thank you Greg and Augie for the feedback!

Kostia and I read over your ideas and we liked them, especially the "book end" part for having a summary of accomplishments at the end and moving the vision statements to when people have more energy to engage. Also, we're going to tighten up some sessions as suggested. Figuring out topics beforehand is something I like in principle but I think is hard to do in practice, though I'm happy to try some voting on topics beforehand (based probably on the list currently on the wiki).

Based on the feedback, we have modified the proposed schedule as a result (see below).

If there are no strong objections, Kostia and I will start reaching out to people to present various things in that "state of project" part, etc., and start organizing the first day topics.

## Friday

09:00-10:15: arrive, get breakfast at FB cafe, mingle
10:15-10:30: Welcome [< 5 min] and Introduction of everyone present [~ 10 min]
10:30-10:45: State of the project
* state of the community (updates from the steering committee) [~5 min]
* state of the tooling (updates about the build bots and systems on mercurial-scm.org <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__mercurial-2Dscm.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=Jw8rundaE7TbmqBYd1txIQ&m=L0d-JyekNWNxGxgPG0iKyNiUUvC0TLKmkJ7NwnBd85k&s=KjuxpOyK2aKHiv6hHkYbwTOprTYCBzb5uoxDCfl-5n8&e=>) [~5 min] * state of the code (updates on statistics about code contributions and code review) [~5 min]
10:45-11:00: Status of hg deployments in the wild
* state of hg at company X (BitBucket, Mozilla, Unity, Google, FB, etc) [< 5 min each] 11:00-12:00: "Vision" Statements & Discussions -- directions we’d like to see mercurial go in the future [number and length TBD based on interest]
12:00-13:00: lunch at FB cafeteria
### Afternoon breakout sessions (topics voted on before sprint) [with notetakers in etherpad]
13:00-14:00: breakout session 1
14:00-14:15: break
14:15-15:15: breakout session 2
15:15-15:30: break
15:30-16:30: breakout session 3
16:30-16:45: break
16:45-17:45: breakout session 4
17:45-18:00:order Saturday breakfast [will have someone in charge]
18:00-evening: dinner at FB office, enjoy a pint in Dublin, etc

## Saturday
09:00-10:00: arrive, eat breakfast, mingle
10:00-10:15: order lunch [will have someone in charge]
10:15-11:00: Organize day 2 breakout sessions (if there is interest, coding groups will run simultaneous to sessions)
11:00-12:00: breakout session 1
12:00-13:00: lunch
13:00-14:00: breakout session 2
14:00-14:15: break
14:15-15:15: breakout session 3
15:15-15:30: break
15:30-16:30: breakout session 4
16:30-16:45: break
16:45-17:45: breakout session 5
17:45-18:00: order Sunday breakfast [will have someone in charge]
18:00-evening: dinner out in Dublin, enjoy the brisk Irish air, etc

## Sunday
09:00-10:00: arrive, eat breakfast, mingle
10:00-10:15: order lunch [will have someone in charge]
10:15-12:00: hackathon morning session -- low-hanging bugs, vision statement proofs-of-concept, etc
12:00-13:00: eat lunch
13:00-15:00: hackathon afternoon session
15:00-15:30: break, organize demos & tech talks
15:30-17:00: demos and tech talks to end on a high note
17:00-17:30: closing remarks, goodbyes
17:30-evening: freedom!

Thanks again for the feedback. We're looking forward to seeing everyone in 11 days!

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