On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 11:25:01 +0100, Vidar Tonaas Fauske wrote:
> > Nit: I'm not sure what this "merge driver" and "merge tool" mean, and the
> > term "merge driver" seems to have a different meaning in Mercurial. Can you
> > elaborate?
> I wasn't certain of the mercurial terminology, so I just kept what I
> had. Here "driver" is intended as something that runs unsupervised by
> default for merges, inserting markers for conflicts (i.e. the `merge`
> command). "Tool" is here meant as an application for resolving such
> conflicts (i.e. called by the `resolve` command), in this case a web
> GUI based one. If you can indicate what the terminology for mercurial
> is, I'll make the appropriate changes.

Got it, thanks. Perhaps, "non-interactive/interactive merge" would be better

> > These priorities seem too high compared to the other tools. I think these
> > tools should have quite low priority so they won't be selected as a general-
> > purpose merge tool.
> Most of the current tools registered have a priority in the range -10
> to -1, but these are general purpose tools, not a file-format specific
> ones (as far as I can tell). What would be a reasonable priority for a
> file-format specific merge tool? I was not able to find any prior
> examples on this.

Maybe -100 or -200? bdc8f048166e says "give worst-case 'merge' merge-tool
lowest priority", which is -100.

  $ grep priority mercurial/default.d/mergetools.rc | sort -t= -k2n
  UltraCompare.priority = -2

> >> +# Default association of file types with merge tools
> >> +
> >> +[merge-patterns]
> >> +
> >> +**.ipynb = nbdime
> >
> > Registering merge-tools by default is good, but I don't think we should 
> > force
> > users to select them by default. Can you send new patch that only registers
> > merge-tools?
> Again, there seems to be no prior pattern to follow for file-format
> specific tools. Given that this is a file-format specific "driver", it
> should only be called for the given file extension. As such the
> `merge-patterns` entry seems mandatory for it to work as intended
> (calling `hg merge --tool=nbdime` will cause it to receive any
> file-types involved in the merge, not just notebooks, AFAICT). If the
> user would have to edit the configuration to enable the tool (i.e. to
> add the merge-patterns entry), there seems to be little meaning to
> adding the "driver" without this line (this defaults exist so that
> they can be used without editing the configuration). While I could
> send a new patch without the driver, I would say that having the
> "resolver" configured without the "driver" is an unlikely wanted setup
> for end users.

My understanding is that we ship the merge-tools settings by default since
defining them is cumbersome and they don't change the default behavior
(as long as the priority is low.) On the other hand, adding merge-patterns
does change the behavior. Also, it's as easy as setting ui.merge.
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